Guide for Authors

Authors Guide

Two Quarterly Journal of Sacred Defense Literature, Shahed University

A: Conditions for accepting the article

 The two quarterly journals "Sacred Defense Literature" of the Faculty of Humanities of Shahed University is a publication in the field of sacred defense literature studies, the conditions for accepting which are announced as follows:

1- The article should be the result of the author (s) research.

2- The article should not have been published in another journal, nor should it have been sent to another journal until the end of the judging.

  1. If the paper has already been presented in scientific conferences, the full details of the relevant conference should be announced.

4- The full name of the author (s), academic degree, university where he / she teaches or studies, field of study, e-mail, telephone number should be attached in a separate page. (Persian and English)

5- The official language of the magazine is Persian, so the article should be written in fluent Persian.

6- Acceptance of the article for publication, after the approval of the secretary, the editorial board and the judges, will be notified to the author via email.

 7- The author is responsible for the content of the article.

 8- The magazine is free in literary and technical editing of the article without changing its content.

 9- The volume of the article should not be more than twenty pages.

  1. Submitted articles will not be returned and cancellation will not be accepted.

11- It will be possible to send the article through the system of the Holy Defense Literature Journal to the address "", so it must first be registered in the system through the "Login" option.

12- To view the ethical charter, refer to the magazine's website:

      Home ß Journal Information ß Ethical Principles of Article Publishing.

13-In addition to the current format, the article should be prepared and uploaded to the system based on the upcoming format. The content of all the submitted versions of the article is essential

(including the early version, the normal version without comments, and the normal version of highlighted changes), in terms of the content and structure of the article, exactly with each other

be the same [the soon-to-be format is available on the main page of the journal system].


B: Arranging the components of the article

1- Title: The general name of the article should be clear, concise and expressive of the content of the article. (Persian and English)

2- The details of the author and authors include: name and surname, identification of the responsible author, academic degree, field of study, university where he / she teaches or study, and e-mail address. (Persian and English)

3- Abstract: A comprehensive and complete description of the article between 200 to 250 words with the problem, purpose, research method and findings should be stated. (Persian and English)

4- Keywords: include five to seven words corresponding to the title and subject of the article. (Persian and English). In the text of the article, use the title of keywords according to the template.

5- Introduction: It is a brief description of the research topic or issue.

6- Research issue: It should be mentioned clearly in the problem statement section. It is necessary to express the importance of the subject, the current status of the progress made in the subject matter of the article, and finally the issue and concern of the researcher in conducting this research, and the final issue of the research should be raised as a general question.

7- Research Questions / Research Hypotheses: Research questions or hypotheses (or both) should be given under their independent heading and after the topic of problem statement.

8- Research background: The backgrounds inside and outside should be separated from each other and written in order from old to new in terms of time, and finally a summary of the background review should be provided.

9- Research method: Items such as type of research, research method, how to conduct research, data collection tools, data analysis method and analysis tools are mentioned in this section.

10- Theoretical framework: It is necessary to briefly explain the theoretical framework of the article and the concepts that are examined in the article, and its relationship with the topic of the article should be clearly stated.

11- Analysis of findings: includes the main text of the article, discussion, content divisions.

12- Conclusion: Contains logical and useful results of the article based on the research question or questions.

13- Sources: Cataloging of article citations is based on APA method, which is in two separate categories.

Persian and English sources. There is no need to separate books and articles.

14- English Abstract: In Times New Roman font size 11 (200 to 250 words).

c: How to organize an article

 1- The article should be set on A4 page, with font (Lot) B Lotus with size 13, in the word processor 2010 (word 2010). The distance from the top and bottom of the page is 5 cm each and from the right and left, 4.5 cm each.

2- The main text of the article, from the introduction to the list of sources in a column, is written in JUTIFY with the right alignment arrangement, the distance between the lines should be 1/15.

  1. Abstracts, keywords, sources, references in parentheses, poems, and anything in parentheses and tables should be written in size 11.

4- The beginning of each section should start with half an inch of indentation.

5-Direct quotations, separate from the original text with a centimeter indentation on each side and with the same font, should be written in size 11. The punctuation mark in direct quotation marks is placed after the parentheses are closed. for example:

Certainly, the myths that in Persian poetry, on the one hand, form the imaginary forms of poets, are among the most important elements that the imagination of poets, in combining and possessing it, has created beauties and arts, and in the period ‌ Different ‌ - both in terms of materials and in terms of the type of perception of poets - has changed ... تاریخی Undoubtedly, historical and social changes have an undeniable effect on the attitude and perception of poets of different types of myths "( فیShafi'i Kadkani, 1375: 238-2377).

6- The sections of the article start with the introduction from the number 1 and the title of each main section and its subsections must be separated by a space and bolded. Write the main titles with the size of 13 Bilotus fonts and the sub-titles with the same font with the size of 12 bold. In numbering the titles, put a space between the line numbers and a dot at the end. Such as: 1-1. ; 1-2.

7- The sub-sections of each article should not exceed three layers; Example: 3-1-4. Which represents the following part of the third part of the article.

8- In the footnote, only specific names and names of grammar principles should be written in Latin.

9- In case of using unfamiliar abbreviations, list them in the footnote.

10 - In preparing tree diagrams and the like, use the tools Draw, Table and Equation in Word environment so that setting them in the final version does not cause any problems.

11- All examples, diagrams and pictures must have a consecutive number.

12- Poems should be arranged in the table; By using the table tool in the word environment, you create a table with three columns and put the first line in the first column and the second line in the third column. The second column (middle) is also intended for the distance between the two shutters. Then place the cursor at the end of each string and hold down the string by pressing the enter and shiftr keys at the same time so that the ends of all the strokes of each bit are in the same direction.

13- Observance of Persian calligraphy, approved by the Academy of Persian Language and Literature (, is mandatory. Dear authors of the Persian calligraphy spelling dictionary ( and the editor's plugin or online live editing system (http: //www.virastlive. com) use. Failure to follow the suggested writing methods can lead to serious delays in publishing or returning the article to the author.

  1. The journal is free to modify, summarize and edit articles scientifically and literary.

15- In order to protect the rights and intellectual property of researchers and authors of scientific articles and to prevent duplication of research, the journal uses the same system and other valid databases of similarity.

  1. References in the journal are based on the "APA" citation system.
  2. In the citations and references section of the article (especially in research literature), respected authors are required to use at least ten percent of non-Persian and non-Arabic research sources published in the last 10 years.

18- Dear authors, you can use Pajouhyar software and plugin ( to facilitate citations.

D: Latin title of the article

1- Latin name, Latin organizational affiliation and e-mail address of the authors

2- Latin abstract of the article, including: Purpose, Methodology, Findings, Conclusion, Keywords

E: How to set up a list of sources

1- The list of sources should be prepared by APA method. Endnote can also be used if necessary.

2- The order of the sources in the list of sources is in alphabetical order and based on the author's family letter. All references in the text should be included in the bibliography. In the same way, all the sources listed in the reference list should be used in the text as well. In this section, the Holy Quran, Nahj al-Balaghah and Sahifa Sajjadieh are mentioned before other works.

If there is no place of publication, use "Bija", if there is no publisher, use "Bina" and in English, use "n.d". The choice of university in undated sources is "beta".

3- The way of quoting is in the text, the way of inserting Persian and Latin citations should be in accordance with the model of the magazine. (Author name, year: page). To make it easier to identify how to cite sources, it is suggested that the latest issue of the journal be used.

4- Having sources and references in Persian and English.

5- The list of Persian sources is prepared with a thin B Lotus font with a size of 12 and English sources with a thin Times New Roman font with a size of 12 and are arranged in a hanging line with a distance of one centimeter in the next line.

Examples of how to write resources

The APA method in writing the sources is constantly reviewed, so the selected method of the two quarterly Sacred Defense Literature is presented as follows:

  1. E) If it is the source of the book

Last name, first name (or authors). Year of publication (in parentheses). Full title of the book (Black and Bold), edition number (from the second edition onwards). Place of publication: Publications.

Information about the book, such as the cover and issue number, is separated by a comma.

- Shafiee Kadkani, Mohammad Reza. (2013). Images of Imagination in Persian Poetry, 16th Edition. Tehran: Ad Publications.

If two authors collaborate in writing a book, the names of the authors are marked with a semicolon ";" Is used. If there are more than two or three authors, between the second and third authors also from ";" to be used.

- Yahaqi, Mohammad Jafar; Naseh, Mohammad Mehdi (1377). Guide to Writing and Editing, Fifteenth Edition. Mashhad: Astan Quds Razavi Publications.

- Part or chapter of the compiled book :(Edited book)

Butzer, K.W., (۱۹۸۰). Aquacultural applications: biological applications, In: Butzer, K.M. (Ed.), Fisheries Processing. First Edition. Chicago Press. ۲۰-۳۷ pp.

- Latin book

Randall, J.E., (۱۹۹۵). Coastal Fishes of Oman. University of Hawaii Press. Honolulu , USA. ۴۳۹ p.

  1. B) If the source is a magazine

Last name, first name (or authors). Year of publication. Source title. Journal Name (Black and Bold), Volume (Issue): Number of Pages.

If two authors collaborate in writing an article, the names of the authors are marked with a semicolon ";" Is used. Magazine information such as distance, number, and pages is separated by a comma.

like the:

- Alizadeh, Nasser; Mehdizad Farid, Mahnaz. (۱۳۹۶). Examining the element of time in the story of Vargeh and Golshah from the point of view of Gerard Genet. Two Quarterly Journal of Persian Language and Literature, Volume 25, Number 82, pp. 260-27.

If there are more than two or three authors, between the second and third authors also from ";" to be used.

- Safari, Nastaran; مظاهر ، مصفا; Teacher, Jaleh. (1389). Epics of Rostam and his family. Chronicle of Literature, first issue, first year, pp. 59-72.

Wing, S., (۱۹۹۴). A Geographical information system to support management of marine resources. Marine Biology, ۱۶(۴), ۱۲-۱۵.

  1. F) If the source of the article or writing from the Internet is related to a university or government office with the author's name

Froese, R., Pauly, D., (۲۰۰۷). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. , version (۱۱/۲۰۰۷).

  1. G) If the article or writing from the Internet is related to a university or government office without the author's name

Food and Agriculture Organization., (۲۰۰۰). Fisheries and Aquaculture: variability and climate change. Retrieved October ۳۱, ۲۰۰۱.۳۵۴۱/en.

  1. H) Academic dissertations

Family name, author name. Release date. Thesis title. Grade. Name of faculty and university. like the:

- Shirkhoda, Tahereh. (2017), Rostam's Sustainability Discourse Analysis in Shahnameh Based on Foucault's View, M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Humanities, Shahed University.

Barausse, A., (۲۰۰۹). The Integrated Functioning of Marine Ecosystems. Ph.D. Thesis. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences. University of Padova, Italy. ۷۳۰p.

  1. I) Scientific conferences

Family name, name (or authors). Year of publication. Title. Conference name. Institute (if any) and city of venue. Mention the number or number of pages. like the:

- Mahdavi, Batool; Gonabadi, Ali (2013). You reflect the image of Imam Ali (as) in the discovery of secrets. The 8th International Conference of the Association for the Promotion of Persian Language and Literature. Zanjan pp ....

Ranjzad, M., Khayyami, M.and Hassanzadeh, A., (۲۰۰۸). Rhenological and Morphological studys of Linum bienne Mill. Proceedings of the ۱۵th National and Third international Conference of Biology. Aug. ۱۹-۲۱, ۲۰۰۸. University of Tehran, ۱۸۳p.


- Articles that are not arranged according to the policy will not be considered.

In this journal, There is no charge to authors for reviewing and publishing their articles,  and articles are published for free.