Themes of Awakening and Resistance in Mohammed Ridha Al-Shabibi’s Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran


In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Iraq was among those countries that were subjected to domestic and foreign colonizers. In 1534, the country went under the rule of the Ottoman Empire and was dominated by the British government in 1918. As a result, for a long time, Iraq suffered from injustice, disintegration and corruption caused by deceptive policies. Meanwhile, poets used their literary merit to play a major role in the awakening and mobilization of people against the neglect of oppression and oppression, and played a significant role in the social scene with their literary power. One of the most famous poets writing for the awakening and resistance of the Iraqi people is Mohammed Ridha Al-Shabibi who has enjoyed a prominent place in the Iraqi literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries due to his political and practical struggles. His clear language in expressing domestic and foreign corruption has inspired an increasing passion for the awakening of the Iraqi nation. Using a descriptive-analytical method and relying on some topics in the resistance literature such as invitation to unity and struggle against domestic tyranny and colonialism, in this research, we were able to portray the poet’s effective role in the Iraqi resistance literature and consider him as a patriotic poet in modern Iraq.


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