Analysis of the Role of the Author in Sacred Defense Biography (Case Study: Da Memoir)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA in Resistance Literature, Shahed University

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahed University


In the process the Sacred Defense biography goes through, the creation of the work begins with questioning, that is, the narrator opens his or her mind to the interviewer and he or she reaches into the world of the narrator’s mind so that they can bring them to a space in time of war with the questions. Essentially, in the work that is created based on question and answer, the interviewer plays a significant role in its success or failure, a point that is ignored by most of the audiences of biographies. Aiming to illustrate the role of the author in the Sacred Defense biographies and applying descriptive research methodology, this study investigates the question of “how to say, write and document” with a focus on Da written by Seyyeded Azam Hosseini. Findings indicate that the author has succeeded in safeguarding the work from being stricken with slogans and cleverly has chosen the right perspective for the design of his subject. She emphasizes the documentary aspect of her work, but she knows how to incorporate dramatic quality into the documentary story. Despite the large quantity, the work has proper suspense and rhythm and is not boring. The strong and fictional structure of the book fascinates the audience. Results show how saying and writing are considered to be effective factors in the reputation and durability of Da.


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