A Comparative Study of Rodomontade in Shahnameh and Holy Defense Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Persian Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University

2 Associate Professor of Research Center for Sacred Defense Literature, Defensive Science Research Center.


As a war tactic, rodomontade refers to expressions that have long been uttered in battlefields to weaken the enemy and increase the morale of comrades. Rodomontade, which is considered to be the most prominent feature of epic poems, is a common element in Shahnameh and Holy Defense poetry. The present study has comparatively studied the appearance of rodomontade in Shahnameh and Holy Defense poetry to investigate their similarities and differences. To this end, some prominent pieces of rodomontade have been extracted from Shahnameh and have been compared with those of prominent poets of Holy Defense poetry. The results of the research reveal that regarding rodomontade, similarities between Shahnameh and Holy Defense poetry are related to the constituents and some general functions, while the differences are more palpable and are predominantly related to content and theme.


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