Semiology of Place Identity in Palestine “The Symbolic Triangle of Homeland, Home, and Woman in Resistance Poetry”

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate of Political Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Associate Professor of Political Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The relationship between “identity” and “place” is complex, concrete and symbolic. Place does not merely refer to the presence of individuals, regardless of cultural, political or social characteristics; rather, it is full of symbolic meanings, emotional attachments and feelings that people have for a particular group. Symbolic expression of feelings for political phenomena finds greater significance in unusual situations. The issue of the occupation of Palestine and the popular resistance against it is one of the most fundamental subjects in Palestinian and Arabic poetry, in which key concepts in Palestinian thought and expression are centered around the notions of “homeland” and “land.” Since a certain place can create identity in certain circumstances in order to become a sign or symbol, the purpose of this article is to examine the semiotic aspects of the poems of Mahmoud Darvish, one of the most important poets of the Palestinian resistance. The authors of the present study believe that not only the concept of homeland, but also the concepts of “home” and “woman” in the poems of resistance poets have found a symbolic aspect, in such a way that one can find a “symbolic triangle” in resistance poetry with a semantic overlap. The results of the study indicate that the dominant aspect of Mahmoud Darwish’s poetry is the expression of bitterness caused by a plundered land that has distorted the Palestinian place identity.


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