Analysis of War Narratives and Propositions in The Doors of Heaven Open to the Earth

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Urmia Branch

2 MA in Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Urmia Branch


The Doors of Heaven Open to the Earth is a novel that narrates Iran-Iraq war. The main question is this: what is the relationship between the reports that novels give about historical events like war and the reality of the events in question? How is the narration and what issues are emphasized? What is depicted in this novel is in contrast with the realities represented in the official discourse. The narrator has based the story on doubts about life, death, war, and finally reality. With having doubt about the possibility of understanding the usual reality, the author represents unusual scenes which defy reality. This incredulity towards reality turns the novel somehow into a surrealist work. In fact, the narrator re-narrates the known realities about war to point out another version of reality along the way. With its specific narratological method and its triple approaches to humanity (love), criticism (war) and idealism (martyrdom), this novel narrates a disturbed mind affected by war, a mind that struggles to narrate realities of war through the war itself. To this end, a delusional structure is used for the narration, such that the novel narrates a loving, poetical, and delicate mentality that is surrounded by the fire of war and love. A surface analysis of the story shows that the narration is not one of the dimension of death or that of life, but the narration of a mentality that is involved with the inbetweenness of life and death, and thus the narration of non-death and non-life.


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