Reflection of Tahereh Saffarzadeh's Intellectual Transformations From Worldly Love to Patriotism and Overcoming Religious Attitute

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch


Saffarzadeh is a contemporary poet who began writing poetry at the age of thirteen. Her poems are important for their religious and revolutionary notions. The present article seeks to explain and introduce Tahereh Saffarzadeh's poems in terms of the evolution of her thoughts and ideas. Quantitative-qualitative method has been used to achieve this goal, meaning that first it describes the intellectual characteristics of Saffarzadeh's poems, then it shows the changes and transformations of the poet's mind and language using diagrams and shapes. Results of the research show that Saffarzadeh's thoughts and ideas in her poetry have undergone significantly noticeable changes during fifty years of writing poems and can be divided into different periods. This feature is due to her long poetic career which has been influenced by social changes (including family and society), individual transformations (evolution of personality and beliefs) and various events (distance from home, war, etc.). Saffarzadeh is sometimes a social reformer in her poetry. She is a thinker who considers the reforms and security of her society and an educator who envisions proper education and comprehensive educational, moral, individual and social education. The reflection of Saffarzadeh's intellectual developments has been manifested in various subjects such as virtual love, real love, social modernism, etc. A noteworthy point in her thinking is her new look at Western concepts and human rights.


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