Evaluation of Rahian-e Noor Camps: The Case Study of Khuzestan province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Educational Science, Islamic Azad University, Dezful Branch

2 MA in Educational Planning, Islamic Azad University, Dezful Branch


The aim of this study was to investigate the pathology of the camps of Rahian-e Noor province through a quantitative and qualitative methodology. Regarding the aim, the method of present research is practical with a combined research approach (quantitative and qualitative). In the quantitative stage, the statistical population of the research included students and instructors participating in the camps and those in charge of holding the camps in the three cities of Andimeshk, Shoush and Dezful in 95-97, numbering 1300 and 44 people. The sample size of students and teachers was 318 and 17 respectively. In the qualitative stage, the statistical population included the officials and trainers who organize the camps. The sample size in the qualitative stage included 10 students and five officials. Officials were purposefully selected according to the extent of their experiences. The sampling method of students and educators was proportional stratified random sampling according to their number in the three cities. The research tools included semi-structured interviews and two questionnaires for educators and students. The results of the quantitative study showed that students had relatively little satisfaction with the input factors of Rahian-e Noor such as the quality of medical equipment, nutrition, location, welfare facilities, and so on. Instructors, like students, were relatively satisfied with the quality of the venue, medical equipment, cultural packages, and the selection of instructors based on age and gender. Based on the qualitative results, the most important strategies for the development of Rahian-e Noor camps included paying attention to the indicators of value competencies in human resource employment, adapting organizational structure design to content dimensions, participatory management, service management and support, and comprehensive attention to educational goals.


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