Frequency and Types of Resistance Literature Motifs in the Memoir, Da

Document Type : Research Paper


MA in Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan


Motifs are among important structural-semantic elements in stories, which due to having the feature of repetition in types (characters, themes and concepts, events, etc.) can be a guide for readers to know the atmosphere of the stories and separate the motifs thematically in order to achieve the author’s intended goals as to why the motifs are applied. Given that the works of holy defense literature have a significant amount of common themes, we chose the memoir, Da as an example so that we can examine this type of narrative element specifically with an analytical-descriptive method. The results of the research show that such concepts and themes as cooperation, fatigue and hunger, injuries, etc. constitute the most important and most frequent motifs of Da. In addition, motifs of personages such as martyrs, the wounded, guards, etc. as well as the motifs of events such as defending, martyrdom, fighting, etc. are responsible for completing and developing the atmosphere centered on war and people’s defense. In fact, it can be argued that the motifs in Da are useful contributors to convey valuable meanings and concepts such as self-sacrifice, defense and altruism, which in their own way increase the reader’s sense of aestheticism and help them better understand the work.


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