A Contemplation on War Novel and its definition

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. in Persian Literature, Kharazmi University .

2 Professorof Persian Language and Literature, Kharazmi University.

3 ssistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Kharazmi University.


This study, employing a descriptive – analytic method, criticizes the existing definitions of war novels and defines it by studying eight war novels considering the structural features of this type of novel, regardless of the features related to the content. The structural study of these novels shows that the narrative elements of some of them have more relation to war, so that they could be considered as full war novels and some common elements, which have been analyzed in all novels, could be found. It can be claimed that the most distinguishing feature of war novels compared to other novels, is the motifs which are repeated in such novels. Therefore, based on the motifs which are employed in war novels, they can be divided into two following categories: full war novels and novels which have indirect relation to war. Based on common elements which are present in these novels, war novel can be considered as the novel which deals with the subject matter of war and its consequences, it takes place in the historical period in which the war happens and the years thereafter, and in the battlefield, cities under enemy attack or the places far from the front; the soldier's character and the incident of death are the main motifs of this type of novel and armaments and ammunitions and the social effects of war constitute its secondary motifs.


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