Reflection of Mythical and Epic Allusions in the Poems of Seyed Hossein Hosseini

Document Type : Research Paper


1 - M.A. in Persian Language and Literature, Shahed University

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahed University


According to Shams Qeis Razi, the poet, by employing allusion, tries to create a lot of meanings in the mind of the audience with few words that are reminiscent of the story, allegory, and so forth; in other words, allusion, in traditional terms, enriches the mind of the reader, or by the present signifiers in the text, in theoretical terms, brings more complex signifieds into the mind. The poets have portrayed political, social, and economical events and the like, from this path, by connection to the past and present at every time period in order to retain the events of their time throughout history. Eight-year Iran-Iraq War can be called as one of the significant events in contemporary period of Iran in which many poets and authors tried to produce images of gallantry and bravery shown by the warriors to be recorded in history. Seyed Hossein Hosseini is one of such poets who has linked the aura of the warriors and martyrs of the Imposed War to mythical and epic allusions. Therefore, in the present study, utilizing a descriptive-analytical method and by using library resources, we try to express mythical and epic allusions of his works, to answer the question that "what are the mythical and epic allusions of Hosseini's poems?" and "what are their literary roles?". This study reveals that some of his mythical and epic allusions are taken from mythical and epic characters of Ferdowsi's Shahname that have the most literary role in the form of metaphor, simile, and Symmetry.


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