Character Analysis of Mirmohanna Vaghaei (South Resistance Icon) from the Perspective of Khorshid Faqih and William Floor

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. in Resistance Literature, Shahed University

2 Associate Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahed University


Resistance Literature is a type of literary genre which has played an effective role in expressing and infusing resistance concepts throughout history. Apparently, Resistance Literature is more correlated with the science of history than other literary genres; because we have to study history and its reflection upon the realm of literature for understanding the issues and subject matters of Resistance Literature. Referring to the essence of resistance has permanently been existed in Iranian culture. The south territory has also been subject to invasion in different domains by the foreigners such as the Portuguese, the British, and the Dutch. In the meantime, Mirmohanna Vaghaei is one of the resistance models, who has been undermined due to unreliable analyses made by some Western historians, including the Dutch William Floor in terms of his character as a national fighter; nonetheless, Khorshid Faqih, the author from Boushehr, has resolved all of the ambiguities raised by Floor and other historians utilizing sound historical documents, publishing Rig Port in fight against Colonialism. Therefore, in order to resolve the ambiguities regarding Mohanna's character; in the first place, we analyze Mohanna's character from the perspective of both authors employing an analytic-descriptive method, therefore, due to the consequent results, present him as the resistance icon of south territory.


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