Metamorphosis in Holy Defense Fiction Based on the Top Ten Novels from the Sixties to the Nineties

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. in Persian Language and Literature, Ilam University


In contemporary literature, concurrent with the emergence of the Imposed War, a new phenomenon takes place in fiction which is called War Fiction that reaches its growth, maturity, permanence to this day. The purpose of this study is to explore its ups and downs and transformations, with regard to the diversity and abundance of Holy Defense fiction. Ten selected works of fiction from festivals and from four periods of time, the sixties onwards, have been purposefully chosen and analyzed to present a historical image relating to the process of metamorphosis of Holy Defense fiction, employing an analytical-historical method with an emphasis on sociological elements. According to this investigation, the processes of transformation in political and social and historical realms can be observed in the historical course of the creation of works. In the sixties, some new authors, most of whom were passionate revolutionary youths, joined the class of Novelists. Most of their works were dominated by the religious insight affected by political discourse. For this reason, the first stories of Holy Defense Literature had a simple structure, because they relied more on content; but the content and form became more correlated over time. The novelist of the seventies, pays special attention to the consequences of war in the form of family ties and along with the subject matter of Holy Defense, different themes constitute the major theme in the work of novelist. Religious novels are also released in different subject matters and diverse forms. The most important achievement of novel writing in the eighties, was the dominance of critical view to the themes of war and Holy Defense. In the early nineties and afterwards, authors, are woefully concerned about the reminiscence of gallantry shown by martyrs and warriors with a different perspective. In the eighties and nineties, authors employ the subject matter of war as a means of portraying the social and philosophical realities and concerns of mankind. From the sixties to the eighties and afterwards, the course of the novel and the Persian story of the Holy Defense, have proceeded from holism to a more detailed view, in a gradual motion. The present study focuses on the relationship of this metamorphosis with political, historical and religious changes in the social context.


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