Analysis of Migration Literature in Kazemi’s First Poetry Collection Based on Sociology of Content

Document Type : Research Paper


Instructor of the Department of Persian language and literature, Yazd University


In this study, we have criticized the content of the first collection of poems by Mohammad Kazem Kazemi entitled on Foot I Came based on library studies and employing descriptive and analytical approach and have investigated the position of Immigration Literature in relation to the society in which the poet lives and composes poetry. In the formation of Immigration Literature, only two elements of time and place have been considered so far. The findings of this investigation indicate the need to review the current definition of this literature and show that although the two above-mentioned conditions are required but they are not sufficient, in the same way, despite setting the foregoing conditions regarding the life of this poet, immigration literature is not formed in the case of the above-mentioned collection of poems. The results show that although the book's title refers to the subject of immigration and the expectation that the sensitive and concerned personality of this Afghan immigrant poet brings forth into the mind of the reader, regarding the subject matter of migration, the content of the poems of the foregoing book are common themes between the society of the poet's birthplace and the host society and even about the themes which are merely related to the host society. In the case of Kazemi, the reason for this phenomenon can be investigated through the breadth of collective cultural domain between the society of birthplace and the host society. It seems that among the most important reasons are the beginning of serious poetic activities of Kazemi in Iran, his continuous presence in literary societies, and the advantage of having company with accomplished poets of the host country, that caused the content of his poems stray from Migration Literature and this is in contrast to the former definitions of the element of "place", which is developed by Migration Literature. 


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