Reflection of the Holy Defense in the Poems of Settar Sowghy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Golestan University

2 Ph.D. in Persian Language and Literature, University of Sistan and Baluchestan


The Islamic Revolution of Iran transformed the intellectual, doctrinal, social and political foundation of Iran's society; consequently, the Imposed War and the Holy Defense had also a tremendous effect on the thoughts and feelings of the people. Regarding the fact that Iran's society is composed of different ethnic groups, all of whom have participated in the revolution and Holy Defense, the question of whether these events have had an impact on national and ethnic literature may naturally be raised. Sattar Sowghi is a contemporary Turkmen poet whose poems abundantly reflect the ideas of the Holy Defense and Islamic Revolution. Martyr and martyrdom, disabled veterans, freedmen, patriotism, anti-arrogance, etc. are among the prominent themes of this committed and ritual poet. This article analyzes the prominent themes of Holy Defense Literature in the works of this poet employing an analytical and content description and library method.


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