Elements of Resistance in the Poems of "Mohammad al-Sagheer Awlad Ahmad" - Poet of the Tunisian Revolution

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Birjand


The poignant, biting, and satirical poems and posture of Mohammad al-Sagheer Awlad Ahmad (1955-2016) have always been controversial and influential in the major events of contemporary history and social and political upheavals of Tunisia. During Jasmine Revolution of 2010, Awlad Ahmad, became increasingly eminent as the poet or the poetic spokesman of Revolution and was immortalized beside Shabbi. This Article tries to represent some features of resistance poetry in the poems and posture of Awlad Ahmad employing a descriptive and analytical method. The result of the discussion reveals that the religious and national beliefs of Awlad Ahmad helped him, while praising resistance against oppression, to condemn inaction and passivity that consequently lead to material and spiritual poverty of the society. Supporting Liberation Movements and Palestine Resistance, the combination of home-mother concept, paying attention to the homeless and deprived people of the society, praising the stature and dignity of the nation's martyrs are the most frequent notions presented by the poet. Prohibition of public offices and services, imprisonment, prohibition against publishing the works, and even Takfir were among the consequences of this struggle, but he was never disappointed and inculcated such a spirit to the audience and people of Tunisia.


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