Change of Point of View in Translation of the Works of Holy Defense

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. Student of English Language Teaching, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Central Branch


One of the noticeable issues in translating the works of holy defense is taking point of view into account as one of the principal elements of Narratology; because, such a change results in the change of point of view in the narration of the story in the source language and the readers go through a different narration from another perspective. Hence, the present study was an attempt to examine the translation of Iran-Iraq War narrative in a case study of Journey to Heading 270 Degrees from Persian to English to see if the point of view of the foregoing novel has undergone any changes or it has been transferred to the target language without any alterations. Adopting Pekkanen's model (2010), the element of Narratology of point of view has been examined in the light of frequency of shifts in the linguistic elements. Ultimately, in this comparative study, through which the source and translated texts have been compared, it was determined that respectively, 100 shifts in referential relations (38%), 91 shifts in agency (35%), 34 shifts in the sequence of events (13%), 22 shifts in transferability (8%), and 14 concealment of repetition (5%), affected the element of Narratology of point of view in the translated text considering their frequency throughout the story. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that no shift in modality has been observed in this study.


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