Analysis of Intertextual Relations of Themes and Elements of Resistance in Ghavami Razi's Ghadiriyyeh and Ghadir Sermon

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. student of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Shahed University, Tehran

2 Assistant Professor of the Department of Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Shahed University.Tehran


Whereas the event of Ghadir and the proclamation of the guardianship of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and his children is among the most important events in the history of Islam, and according to the explicit prophetic text, speaking, writing and composing about it is obligatory for everyone and at all times; Therefore, many poets, including Persian-language poets, have tried to compose poems regarding this event in order to fulfill their duty and convey Ghadir’s message and the fundamentals of the culture of guardianship-abiding, awakening, seeking justice and to struggle against oppression and tyrant, and have taken provisions from this boundless sea analogous with their abilities. Therefore, the main concern of this study is to answer the question that, in terms of intertextual relations, to what extent Ghavami Razi, a sixth century poet, had regard to and made use of the absent text, i. e. Ghadir’s sermon, in composing his Ghadiriyyeh, according to the elements and motifs of Resistance Literature.  This study has been done by a qualitative-thematic analysis method and this investigation reveals that Ghavami Razi has acted so competently and skillfully in creating various thematic, lexical, stylistic and predicative intertextual relations with the sermon to such an extent that it arouses the emotions of each reader and compel him/her contemplate. In his poems, he explicitly boasts about the blessing of being a Shiite of Twelve Imams, and his poems reveals that he composed them to systematize political and doctrinal procedures and upheavals, in the history and people of his time and other times


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