Representation of History in the Events of the Imposed War in the novel "Bloody" by Mehdi Yazdani Khorram Based on the Meta-historical Perspective of Hayden Whit

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Persian language and literature, Payame Noor University,IRAN.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, IRAN.


Imagination, using the methods of realism and using text processing tools such as metaphor, metaphor, irony and irony, draws clear boundaries of the heroes created by the author's mind and real historical and even anti-hero characters. In fact, metaphors in stories deal with the representational relations of the words next to each other, and this is why the meaning is constructed in each text. In recent years, history has flowed in a special way, in narratives, stories and reports. Writing socio-historical stories simply because of the nature of history and retelling historical events as an important genre in literature can be considered a broad study of the rotation of events in a dynamic and real way. Hayden White is one of the philosophers and theorists who, in his book "Meta-History", emphasizes the inevitable fabrication of history in historical narratives. He believes in the permissible and ironic influence of the text and incorporates the author's vision and ideology into a historical work. The novel "Bloody" has become a postmodern novel due to the combination of fictional characters along with places and real characters, as well as the combination of sub-narratives along with several large narratives, which also includes some recent events of the imposed war. The purpose of this article, which is written analytically-descriptively, is to study the novel "Bloody" by Mehdi Yazdani Khoram to analyze the representation of history and society in the text of the story based on Haydn White's theory and in the end it is concluded that the relationships of real characters and places with the metaphors and irony in the story are arguments that can be purposefully configured to balance truth and imagination, and the author appropriately uses the trick of imagination alongside truth to strengthen the extent of historic events.


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