Representation of the War of Independence in Algerian Novels in French (Case study of “Al-Dar Al-Kabira” from the story of the Al-Tholasiyah by Muhammad Dib)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Translation, Faculty of Humanities, Damghan National University, Iran.


Algerian French Novels are representative of the battles of warriors and sufferings of the people of this country under the yoke of colonialism, as well as the crimes of the French. Al-Tholasiyah is one of the splendid novels in the field of Algerian resistance literature in French, while the spirit and thought of the Arab society known as the "Memories of the Algerian Nation" is obvious. “Al-Dar Al-Kabira” as the first part of this novel, represents a clear picture of the life of the Algerian people during the beginning of the national awareness and this house is the motivating mystery of resistance and revolution seeds. This research as a descriptive-analytical approach is supposed to investigate the Algerian War of Independence in this novel, and to explore the components of war, the colonialism situation in the deprived areas of Algeria, and the occupation device of French colonialists. The results of this study show that fatherland, suffocation and tyranny, criticism of political and economic distress, forces of fighting people, calling for perseverance and encouragement to struggle, war and hope for the future are among the most important sparks in the fight against colonialism in this novel. Mohammad Deeb reveals the signs of colonized and tyrant countries, for instance the constant presence of police forces in the Darsbitar neighborhood, intimidation of young and old people and their arrest without return, distress, economic and political crisis of society, hiring of Algerian workers with low wages, people’s panic of riot and war anxieties and so on.


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