A Thematic Analysis of Lady Gulab and the Roots in the Depths

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA Student of Persian language and literature, Faculty of Humanities, Shahed University, Tehran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Shahed University, Tehran.


The most important elements of the sacred defense literature can be found in the stories of the seventies. The novels Lady Gulab and Roots in the Depths are two important works of resistance literature of this decade, and the theme element has had a significant effect in harmonizing the other components of these stories. In these two works, themes of resistance and stability are presented, especially in the field of problems and hardships of individual, family and social life, the wounded of the Holy Defense, and their intellectual and spiritual concerns due to the transformation of systems. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the main themes of these two works. The research method is descriptive-analytical, which compares the similarities and differences in the themes of these works. The results show that in both works, the most important themes are: feeling of loneliness and isolation, restlessness, waiting eyes, patience and endurance, worry, pain, nostalgia, etc., which despite sharing many of the themes can be seen in the design of this category. But among them, due to the intellectual and perceptual perception of each of the writers or personalities regarding the importance and impact of the problems in question, there are recognizable differences in terms of addressing its extent and quality; In Lady Gulab, for example, themes such as "hiding a secret and worrying about its disclosure" and "worrying about the reaction of others" have received a great deal of attention, but have not been addressed in depth or has been a passing reference to it; In contrast, the theme of "opposition to going to war" has only been considered in the novel Roots in the Depths.


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