Analysis of the Superstructure and Depth of Resistance Poetry: A Case Study of Qasem Haddad's Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Zabol University.


Assessing the different levels of discourse allows for a new understanding of it and discovers the interactions of language with ideological structures. Critical discourse analysis makes it possible to examine the two factors of ideology and power that have an important impact on the superstructure and depth of language in the process of linguistic communication. Teun van Dijk, one of the theorists in this field, considers critical discourse analysis as a powerful tool for social analysis. His proposed model is a good criterion for analyzing the poetry of resistance, which is often based on highlighting the positive points of the "self" and marginalizing the negative points of the "other". Qassim Haddad (1926-1995) is one of the contemporary Bahraini poets that is attributed to socio-political poetry, whose bipolar system of emphasis and marginalization plays a key role in shaping his poetic discourse. Relying on a descriptive-analytical method, the present study seeks to show what discourse measures Qassim Haddad used in the superstructure of his resistance poems in order to deepen it in order to highlight his own identity and marginalize another identity. The results show that the discourse system of Qassim Haddad's resistance poems is based more on semantic techniques, propositional structure, grammar and reasoning.


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