A Reflection on the Function of Natural Elements in Resistance Personification in the Selected Poems of Sepideh Kashani and Nasrollah Mardani

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Razi University.

2 MA in Persian Language and Literature, Resistance Literature, Razi University.


The elements of nature with their impressive varieties have always had a considerable role in communicating various contents to audiences and making literal illustrations, especially in poetry. Sometimes, these roles are so extraordinary that it is impossible to find out their semantic and formal values without deep analysis. This efficiency is also at work in resistance poetry. The current descriptive-analytical study aims to analyze the efficiency of natural elements in the poems of Sepideh Kashani and Nasrollah Mardani. These poets are chosen due to the considerable quality of their poems, pivotal benefits they take from natural elements, and relevant issues to the topic of present study. Findings reveal that foliage and astronomical objects have the highest frequency in their poems. Among the foliage, tulip denotes martyrs. Besides, the sun and stars denote leaders and martyrs respectively. Pigeons symbolize martyrs, while vultures and hyenas represent enemies. Semantically, both poets use natural elements to make the contents of leaders, martyrs, and enemies. However, Kashani has also made characteristic Iranian devoted ladies, hypocrites and betrayers that are not found in Mardani’s poems. Unlike Kashani, Mardani has made characteristic warrior. Furthermore, martyrs and leaders have the highest frequency in the poems of Kashani and Mardani respectively.


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