The Components of Sustainable Literature in the Poems of Contemporary Poets of Afghanistan (Case study: Abdul Sami Hamed and Seyed Abu Talib Mozafari)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Farabi Faculty of Science and Technology.

2 MA. Student in Persian language and Literature, Ahl al-Bayt (AS) International University.


Afghanistan's contemporary literature, to put it bluntly, was formed after the Marxist coup in 1978. The valuable themes of resistance found in the poems of enduring poets who advocate the pride and dignity of the nation have been passed down to Afghanistan. The coup, due to its Marxist nature in Afghanistan, has been the source of all political, economic, social, cultural, and other developments in the last three decades. After the coup, the people of Afghanistan staged a massive jihad and widespread resistance against the illegitimate and occupying Russian government following the entry of the former Soviet Red Army into their country. The companionship of poets and writers with this socio-political movement marked the departure of Afghan poetry from the stalemate of content and the emergence of a steady stream of poetry in support of the popular resistance against the Russians. After this period, some individuals within the country expressed their idealistic ideas through poetry, while others were compelled to emigrate due to their Islamic beliefs. Consequently, the two main dimensions of Afghan poetry, namely the poetry of resistance and the poetry of emigration, began to evolve. The study of the works of Afghan resistance poets explains and interprets the principles and components of sustainability in the poems of Afghan poets. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the concept of resistance and the thematic and semantic highlights of Afghanistan's sustainability poems. The study aims to explore the fundamental principles of resistance by analyzing the poems of prominent poets using a library-based analytical descriptive method. Topics such as fratricide and war, condemnation of leaders and politicians, protests against the situation in the country, descriptions of exile, and expressions of displacement and deportation appear more frequently in the poetry of Afghan poets, especially in the works of two contemporary poets, Abdul Sami Hami and Seyed Aboutaleb Mozaffari. Religion and its manifestations, which are the most important sources of inspiration in the literature of resistance, have enriched the content of Afghan poets' poems.


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