The Study of the Narrative Features and Themes of Resistance in the Collection of Tales of War City by Habib Ahmadzadeh

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Razi University of Kermanshah


The collection of stories from War City, which was discussed in this research, won the title of the best book of the year of Holy Defense (2003) and the first place for the best book in 20 years of writing stories of Holy Defense. In this research, the short stories in this collection, which reflect the events of the war days and to some extent the conditions of the warriors, have been discussed from a narrative perspective and analyzed for content. With a narratological view emphasizing the structure of the narrative, he tries to delve beneath the surface and structure of the text to reach its inner layers. The narratological analysis of the collection of stories in War City shows that Ahmadzadeh, in this work, uses techniques and makes intelligent choices of point of view to expose the reader to the challenges of war from a new perspective each time. In fact, Ahmadzadeh has demonstrated his skill and success by opting to rarely use the second person point of view in narrating three stories from this collection. The analysis of the content of this work also revealed that the author occasionally incorporated unique and diverse themes from resistance literature, including showing empathy towards the enemy's families and discussing war tactics in the short story. This research is based on library research and descriptive analytical methods.


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