Investigation of the Elements and Fundamental Concepts of Sustainability in the Poetry of the February 14 Movement in Bahrain: A Case Study of the Collection of “Nazeef Al-Samood” by Al-Sayyed Zaki Al-Yasri

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. in Arabic Language and Literature, Bu-Ali Sina University.

2 BA. in Social Communication Science Expert, Golestan University.

3 MA in Arabic Language and Literature, Bu-Ali Sina University.


Resistance, in its literal meaning, refers to the opposition of powers. In terminology, it signifies steadfastness, fighting against the tyranny of oppressors, and preventing displacement from one's land. Literature of resistance or sustainability is a collection of poetic and prose works that address the ugliness of internal atrocities or external invasions and adhere to a specific semantic structure. Among the works that fall under this extensive literary genre are the poems and lyrics of the February 14 uprising in Bahrain. In these works, poets fully adhere to the unique structure of sustainability poetry while also discussing their literary expression of domestic and foreign political and social issues, encompassing all the main concepts of sustainability literature. These concepts include calling for struggle, depicting the face of tyranny, praising freedom and liberty, representing bright horizons of victory, reflecting the desperation of the people, and commemorating the martyrs of freedom. The language of the poems is simple, fluent, and free from complexity, symbolism, and cryptic language. This research aims to analyze and explore the fundamental themes and hidden meanings of words and sustainability concepts in the collection of poems by Al-Sayyed Zaki Al-Yasri using a descriptive-analytical method.


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