Reflection of Resistance Literature in the Poetry of Ali Foudeh, the Palestinian Resistance Poet

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Arabic Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University

2 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, the University of Kurdistan

3 PhD Student of Arabic Language and Literature, the Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch


Resistance literature is one of the most important cultural apparatuses of the oppressed nations against the oppressors which expresses the obscenities of domestic despotism or alien aggression in all political, cultural, economic, and social domains through an artistic and literary language. In its long history, the term has always been associated with anti-oppression movements. Man has always been a freedom-seeking entity and has been fighting against the factors that led to the negation of this freedom, a reaction which has resuled in the formation of resistance literature. Resistance literature constitutes a large portion of contemporary Arabic literature, especially that of Palestine. Ali Foudeh, the contemporary Palestinian poet, has paid a special attention to his fatherland in his poetry, describing it as the paradise of the world while expressing his deep regret for its lost beauty. The poet as a freethinker has protested against tyranny and has invited his people to the struggle against it. The criticism of the politically disturbed situation and the description of the calamities and villanies of the aggressors, such as the massacre of Kafr Qasim, has given another aspect to Fade’s poetry. The honor of being Arab, the hope for a bright future, and the attempt to illuminate people are among other recurrent themes of resistance in his poetry. The present research is intended to shed light on the aspects of resistance literature in Ali Foudeh’s poetry through textural analysis, using library research.


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