Semio-Semantic Shoushi Discourse in "Leili Lullaby" of Hassan Baniameri

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid University

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid University


The purpose of this research is to investigate the short story of "Leili lullaby" of Baniameri by semio-semantic of discourse system. The main purpose is to address Shushi discourse systems in the perceptual, emotional and aesthetics dimensions and also answer the question that to what extent Iranian short stories are analyzable with this theory? It should be noted that the article first has been done by taking notes from the discourses of the story by the method of content analysis. According to semiotic, semantic is a discourse process in which producing meaning links with phenomenology. In semio-semantic, each semiotic is in interaction, challenge, contrast, alignment and shift with other semiotic which leads to a process action and  the action is a way for producing meaning. Therefore, making meaning is supervised by discourses' system. The results show that how 'six senses' give the story phenomenology dimension and reach to pre-stressing and making present of the absent by creating an impulse in the main character of the story and how its emotional and aesthetics processes are formed.


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