“Regret for the Past” as a Dominant Theme of Resistance Literature in Nafsatolmasdoor

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA Student of Persian Language and Literature, Shahed University, Tehran

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahed University, Tehran


Literature is an identity of each epoch making it possible to understand writers’ days and their social and political events and realities. As history evidences, the era of Mongol is one of the most critical times in the history of Iran. The invasion of Tartars on one hand and the rise of classes of tyrannical and impotent rulers on the other hand resulted in the production of works characterized by criticism and protest. In fact, literature as a true reflector of each epoch and men of letter as supporters and speakers of commoners voiced the hardships of the oppressed and the consequences of rulers’ tyranny through exposition and illumination.  In his Nafsatolmasdoor, Shahabeddin Mohammad Khorandzi Zeidari Nasavi, in addition to articulating personal memories, analyzes the social and political situations of his time. The present descriptive research argues that regret for an ideal past is the most dominant theme of Nafsatolmasdoor and that the writer is able to reflect the resistance manifestation of his time through a conscious application of special language capacities, feelings, and powerful intellect.


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