Investigating the Theme of Self-sacrifice in Three Anonymous Dramatic Works of Sacred Literature

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, the Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch

2 MA in Persian Language and Literature, the Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch


Dramatic literature is a suitable touchstone for determining the status of the culture of altruism. In exploring the themes of altruism, self-sacrifice, and martyrdom in dramatic literature, Western Azerbaijan is one of the most important models that has had a significant contribution to the recreation of Iranian and Islamic events and values. In Sacred Defense drama, the concepts of altruism and self-sacrifice, which are considered specific concepts, have always been of interest to playwrights. Also, playwrights’ worldview and understanding of war and defense have contributed to the emergence of these concepts. It is noteworthy that criticism of these dramatic works has always had an increasingly important role in identifying weaknesses and strengths of the aforementioned concepts. In the present study, the researchers have attempted to examine the representations of altruism in three dramatic works including Badriya, I did not know, Brothers Die and The Worldly in Heaven. Having a pattern from such works, this study analyzes the causes and contributing factors in the manifestation of altruism in these dramatic texts. This paper presents the case study as a type of qualitative research. Data analysis has been done through theme analysis. The researchers’ attention has been directed to national, family, religious and romantic issues and the presence of women and men is almost equally considered as significant. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze selected plays and to determine the place of altruism in them. The findings of the research show that in the selected play, the components of altruism have been present ninety times in total. Also, the author has paid attention to national, family, religious, and romantic subjects. The presence of women in this area can be considered as the main feature of the drama of West Azerbaijan province.


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