An Investigation of Mahmoud Shukair’s “Ana wa-Jumana”

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Imam Khomeini International University

2 PhD Student of Arabic Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran


Resistance against oppression and tyranny is one of the major themes of resistance literature which has long captivated various writers and has been conspicuously reflected it in their prose and poetry. Mahmoud Shukair, a Palestinian writer, is among those fiction writers who have been able to give a new aspect to resistance through applying a new style of narrative. He leaves the audience alone to be the sole arbitrators of the characters of the story and to conclude each parts by themselves. Thus, by representing oppression, Israel antihuman behaviors, people’s loss of identity, etc. in the story collection “Ana wa-Jumana,” he has tried indirectly to attract the audience to accompany him in his protest against the Israelite occupation and the illegitimate entity of the regime. By investigating “Ana wa-Jumana,” the present research tries to analyze the writer’s satiric and anti-occupation views in the light of resistance literature theories which have appeared in political and social foundations of the collection.


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  1. Harlow barbara, Resistance literature new yourk methun.
  2. Sights Resistance in the story "Anna and Jumana "by Mahmoud Shqyr, 1987.


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