An Investigation into Components of Spiritual Intelligence (SI) and Its Impact on the Production of Ravayat-e Fath Documentary Films by the Spiritual Leadership of Martyr Avini

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Research in the Arts, University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor of Educational Management, Kharazmi University

3 PhD in Research in the Arts, Art University of Isfahan


The Iranian eight-year war was the most erosive war of the twentieth century. Iranian film makers had no experience about the production of war documentary films before the Ravayat-e Fath documentary. Prior to this collection, Martyr Avini had not had any experience of filmmaking and had not directed any film. Directors, who are always responsible for the leadership of productions, may employ managerial characteristics of their own spiritual intelligence in producing films in order to guide the cinema. With reliance on his own spiritual leadership and intelligence, Martyr Avini recorded some unrepeatable moments of Iranian history within the frame of documentary cinematography. Today, not only Iranian cinema, but also history, culture, and identity of Iranian community owe to his experiences, and this collection may be used as an educational paradigm in praxeology based on spiritual intelligence. The present research aims to explore the effect of components of spiritual intelligence in film directing, using descriptive methodology. The main concern of this study is to consider the impact of spiritual components of years of warfare epics and the spiritual leadership of Martyr Avini in Ravayat-e Fath documentary. Results of the study indicate the confirmation of a significant relationship between the components of spiritual intelligence and the spiritual leadership of Martyr Avini.


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