Critical Discourse Analysis of Akbar Sahraie’s Immortal Hill and the Mystery of Eshloo

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr

2 MA in Resistance Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr


Critical discourse analysis originated from the ideas of linguists, in particular Halliday’s functional linguistics, semioticians, hermeneutic researchers, and Michel Foucault’s ideas. Since the method focuses on both the form and the content of the text, it is therefore a comprehensive approach to textual analysis. Experts such as Norman Fairclough, Ruth Vedak, Teun van Dijk, Roger Fowler, and Gunther Kress have contributed to the introduction and development of critical discourse analysis as a new field in textual analysis. In this study, Norman Fairclough’s approach has been chosen as the methodology of the research. Fairclough examines the text in three levels of description, interpretation, and explanation. This method is effective in describing and exploring the author’s intellectual views and his or her political and social approaches. In this study, Akbar Sahraie’s Immortal Hill and the Mystery of Eshloo, a Sacred Defense story, is analyzed to explore the author’s outlook. From the perspective of critical discourse analysis, the author in this work has sought the self-constructed revolutionary, ethical, devout, Muslim identity by choosing specific terms, using the concepts of religious discourse and linking it with the power, and generalizing this element to the contemporary era. He has succeeded in making a heroic and valiant character out of the middle-class or materially lower-class society, as well as showing the natural and gradual evolution of a Muslim man from religiosity to martyrdom.


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