Review the narrative time in the memory of Da According to Gerard Genet's theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA in Persian Language and Literature, Isfahan University

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Kharazmi University


The two effective elements of the plot and time are integral parts of stories and they play significant roles in the narrative. Each story is based on some events that the author has chosen according to a special timeline; if the element of time is not observed in narratives, we encounter a set of events whose coherent narration by the author and coherent reception by the reader prove to be impossible. Gerard Genette is a structuralist theoretician who has presented comprehensive discussions about the issue of time in narrative in three aspects of “order, continuation and frequency.” Based on Genette’s theories, this study tries to show that the element of time is the most important element in the biography “Da.” Narrated by Seyyedeh Zahra Hosseini and edited by Seyyedeh Azam Hosseini, “Da” is one of the contemporary works in the field of resistance literature which deals with the subject of war. The most prominent narrative feature of this novel is the use of time as a retrospective element and the fact that events are narrated according to their time of occurrence. The primary focus and descriptions of “Da” is related to the main event (war). When it is discussed, the time of the story is negatively accelerated so that the reader does not understand the passage of time. All these features, in addition to making the narrative interesting for readers, mainly keep the documentary nature of the work.


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