Investigating the Effect of Iranian Sacred Defense Poetry on Palestinian Resistance Poetry Based on the American School of Comparative Literature

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Research Center for Sacred Defense Literature, Defensive Science Research Center

2 MA in General Linguistics, Tarbiat Modares University

3 MA in Arabic Teaching, Tarbiat Modares University


Resistance poetry is one of the subjects of world literature in which religious concepts and ideological patterns, whether explicitly or implicitly, have been institutionalized. Thus, an investigation of the interactions among poetic discourses, especially the one between the Islamic Revolution discourse and that of the Imposed War, reveals not only the social and political contexts and the conditions of the poet’s society, but also the mission of the Sacred War literature and the way the interaction in question developes, leading to a better understanding of this literary genre and its objectvives. Using a descriptive research methodology and the American school of comparative literature, the present study examines the influence of the discourse and ideology of the Sacred Defense poetry on the Palestinian resistance poetry in the works of ten Iranian and Palestinian resistance poets, the ideological status of the Revolution and the values ​​coming from it, the way these discourses are reflected by the poets of the two countries, and the interaction between the Resistance poetry and the Imposed War phenomena. Undoubtedly, the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the eight-year Sacred Defense era are the most influential periods in contemporary Iranian and world history and are appropriate contexts for the emergence of ideological discourses in all popular movements in the world.


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