The Place of Martyrs’ Wills and Letters in Literary Genres

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

2 MA in Resistance Literature, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


Martyrs’ wills and the outstanding letters written by religious leaders, thinkers, mystics, writers and all men of letters are among written and valuable works that contain a large amount of our spiritual culture. An analysis of such writings, whether as a will or as an advice or a letter, with the consideration of the beliefs and ethical teachings embedded in them can have an effective role in identifying the prevailing spiritual and ethical values ​​in the course of Iranian history. Given the long history of such writings in advice books, the Quran, the saints and mystics’ wills, etc., it is possible to regard them as a “genre” when studied with an analytical-historical approach. Also, based on J. L. Austin and John R. Searle’s theory of speech act, the common features of the speech acts in these writings can be further evidence of this argument. The main purpose of this article is to prove that wills and letters, based on the analysis of their teachings and ethical content and the speech acts prevalent in them, deserve to be regarded as a genre, the one that, in addition to exerting a change in the personality of the audience, produces cultural discourses in social and even global domains. The dominant research method is a descriptive analysis based on the content analysis of the text.


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22.Dictionary Axford