Comparison of the Manifestations, Aims and Functions of Self-glorification in the Poetry of Ali Mousavi Garmaroodi and Qeysar Aminpour

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Jiroft


Self-glorification is a common and ancient theme and subject in Persian poetry in which the poet describes his advantages, characteristics and honors with an exaggerated expression. Although the spread of the culture of self-sacrifice and martyrdom and the teachings of humility and modesty has had a high frequency in the poetry of the Islamic Revolution and at first glance does not seem to leave any room for self-glorification, this poetic subject has shown itself in this poetry with new goals and new approaches. The aim of this article is to compare the manifestations of self-glorification in the poetry of Mousavi Garmaroodi and Qeysar Aminpour and to show its goals and functions as well as its common and diverse aspects. Self-glorification appears in their poetry in both personal and collective spheres. In the first place, Garmaroodi has expressed self-glorification in terms of the status of his poetry, his actions and behavior, and the like, while Aminpour has assumed a very humble tone in this area. The existence of and the emphasis on themes of humility and emphasis show that self-glorification has been the subject of Garmaroodi’s poetry in the personal sphere rather than a motif and a part of the poetic tradition. In the second place, both poets, emphasizing the concept of homeland, Iran and beliefs, have pointed out past myths and honors, great religious, political and social personalities, and national superiority, which are more applied for didactic functions, implementation of unity and invitation of people to resistance, giving a new atmosphere to self-glorifications.


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