A Sociological Analysis of Assumayser’s Protest Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 MA in Arabic Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University

3 PhD Candidate of Arabic Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University


War, disagreement, oppression, etc. are among the facts of Al-Andalus of the fifth century AH that led to the emergence of a sort of protest and resistance literature that stood against the adverse political and social conditions of the land. An example of the poets of this period is Assumayser who criticized the political and social conditions of his time having realized and understood the realities of his environment, aiming to preserve true Islamic ideals in his society. His poems are full of outrage, protest and criticism of the society and the politics of the rulers of the time. He also criticizes the townspeople for their jealousy by writing “chaotic poetry” characterized by aggression. This is a descriptive research with a sociological approach. Results show that the concept of criticism and resistance in the poetry and literature of this period reveals the poet’s religious zeal and ardor as well as his humanitarian and patriotic spirit, feelings and emotions, making his poetry a great example of the criticism and resistance of this period. Using satiric, simple language but assuming a critical, pathetic perspective, the poet expresses his protest against his society and his era. Also, knowing the political and religious issues of his society, the poet resists the corruption, oppression, sedition and betrayal exerted on Muslims.


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